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...Research Chair for Communities and Cultures and Director of the Centre for Sound Communities ( at Cape Breton University, brought the aforementioned group together through her work...
An Introduction to Digital Cinema Production Learn how to make a short film in five afternoon sessions over two weeks. The schedule is as follows: May 10, Production May 12, Postproduction 1: Editing May 17, Postproduction 2: Mastering, Colouring, Exporting May 20, Masterclass May 22, CineWorlding Film Festival DETAILS & REGISTER
This session is part of our HSS Tools of the Trade brown bag lunch series. See more sessions. Come and find out about the latest upcoming workshops, seminars and educational opportunities being offered...
This session is part of our HSS Tools of the Trade brown bag lunch series. See more sessions. Come and find out about the latest upcoming workshops, seminars and educational opportunities...